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:ninja: Congratulations are in order to the Field Marshall from France and the peaceloving people of Germany. Two invading Field Marshall's have been slain in the past two weeks. Ahhhh but there always seems to be more.


Do I see enemy bombers? When will those jets be ready?:blush:


Rommel with the Panzer Groups.

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Can't be Russian...


Well since they can't be Russian let's see how you like dealing with the Swedish Air Force every turn. Our pilots are battle tested and ready to aide our allies.





Now zhat vould be a first, not? Nordic planes in zhe desert... Experience didn't keep your colleagues from mass extinction....


Vell, ve are NADS so bring zhem on!

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The latest world events shows, yet another country declaring war on the peace loving people of France. Morocco is the 15th nation in the long list of enemies. When will humanity learn to get along? In any case, I look forward to the challenge of the new fight on the battle field.  :ninja:


-Justin of France


I think this may well be a record.... I now feel a little bit weak for only warring with 9 nations.


And, btw, has anyone seen my IL-4s. I seemed to have misplaced nearly 3,000 of them... now where could they be? I CERTAINLY hope that they have not been captured and are now being used as human shields. I did receive ONE report that 15000 paratroopers were able to sneak into the dining facilities where the pilots usually took their dinners. I certainly hope that those paratroopers behaved themselves... (but I am willing to wager that they didn't and they skyjacked and sold my IL-4s for scrap metal...I must tell you, you just cannot go around trusting paratroopers).


Looks like I need to order a whole new batch... maybe this time I will order some better planes... Tu-2s? I hear they have a better payload anyway.


As for my algerian and libyan adversaries, please stop sending so many Christmas cards... they seem to all be laced with high explosives. I hope you, my Algerian neighbors, didn't mind the reception I threw for your Junkers delivery boys and their friends, the Messerschmitts. It was the least I could do in return.


Respectfully and affectionately

President Uskinov

Central Russian Republic

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:ninja: 1

To General DeGall and the French Free Forces, Never fear Rommel is here. The Freedom loving people of Germany stand by you as the aggressors continue to come at us. If Morocco has chosen to declare war on you we will help to throw them out of Europe and free Spain and Portugal as well. We will make Europe safe for freedom loving people and protect it from the western aggressors. :D

Too Victory! Rommel

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