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Vell, do your best und ve vill meet near xMoscow...


Well, I suppose that once you are captured in your capital, hiding in a spider hole, you will be brought to Moscow while awaiting trial for crimes against freedom. If that is what you mean, then YES, of course you can meet the Swedish king in Moscow.


If you like, you can fly your personal plane to Moscow today and my security forces would be willing to take you into custody. I hope you like borshch.


Eto mnye vidn'no shto ti, gospodin doktor, samiy glupiy voyenniy v etoi igrye. K sozhaleniyu, moi sotrudnik, irania, sdal'cya. Poetomu, nam nado bilo voyevat' bez nevo.


Tebye OCHIN povezlo. Durak.


Gospodin Prezident


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I hope you like borshch.


No ve don't, but ve vill introduce some of our favorite food und habits...




BTW zhe boys just crossed zhe Southern Russian border as vell as arriving on zhe Black Sea coastal resorts. Vith zhe resistance gone it vill be all zhe way downhill vith a short stop in xStalingrad...


Zhe only zhing we vorry about is ZHE Sheik und zhe reborn Syrian leader... Ambitious kinda dudes zhey are... All a matter of who grabs what first...



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USMC Pointman-


Fighters at your airbase in Yugoslavia will not stop the Northern Alliance from destroying all your planes and killing your best pilots. It is time for you to withdraw all of your assets from Europe immediately. That goes for your Libyan counterpart as well. If you do not comply no quarter will be given. :python:


Canada, U.S., Portugal, Morocco, Algeria, Libya, Egypt, Syria, Saudi Arabia, U.A.E, are all considered NADS countries and threaten the peace of the entire world. :woohoo: Swedish forces will travel around the world if necessary to fight this cancer and put an end to the long suffering of our allies across the European continent. B)



Jean Baptiste Bernadotte III

King of Sweden

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Swedish forces will travel around the world if necessary


Jean Baptiste Bernadotte III

King of Sweden


Jay-Bee: it vould be nice if you could meet us in zhe middle, let's say xMoscow, zhe distances ve have to travel here in zhe East are insane, vone could say nuts!


Ve are doing our best, zhe Black Sea resort has been enjoyable but our forces have become restless, time to move again! Zhe Southern Russian border has been crossed, zhe Highway construction is still on schedule to connect xMoscow around turn 65 vhich gives us 8 turns to battle it out...


zhe Doc!

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:cheers: The battle lines have been drawn. It is to be the north verses the south or the east verses the west. Two sides with a couple of side agreements to make it interesting. It matters not who we fight only that we do it honorably and bravely. The German nation as been invaded 7 times and yet stands many times stronger than at the beginning of the agressions. Many thanks to my trusted allies and to the spirt of the German peoples. France, Iceland and Britain have stood beside us in our darkest days therefore we will stand by them as they are threated from the west.

The United States has assembled a mighty fleet and stands ready to invade our trusted ally Britain. In this their darkest day the German war machine stands ready and willing to repluse any aggressive move against Britain.

US and Canada you are warned our treatys are nill and void. :beer:


Rommel Marshell of Germany


:beer: Goring Air Marshall of the Reich

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:cheers:  The battle lines have been drawn. It is to be the north verses the south or the east verses the west.





Und zhe best news is in, zhe Southern Russian forces have been spotted again!! Hiding in zheir own country.... Yeahhhhhh... 2 nice fat und large armies... Just vhat zhe Junker dudes needed....


Now if I can just keep THE Sheik away from scoring too many of zhose delicious ARM points.... :beer:

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Now if I can just keep THE Sheik away from scoring too many of zhose delicious ARM points....  :beer:


Dear fellow rulers,


Let it be known that the peaceloving people of the UAE fully support the humanitarian efforts of our Saudi Arabian ally to bring progress and prosperity to all people by building a superhighway to the north. It's the only way to really connect the nations of the world. And be honest: you want to be connected!


Recently UAE bombers have paved the way for Saudi Arabian ground workers. We will continue to do so and urge others to do the same.


Peace in our time!


THE SHeikh

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Congratulations to the French and German leadership for bringing peace to war torn Europe. The people of Sweden will do their part to help stop the aggression of the North African countries as they continue to push northward. The Central Alliance and the Northern Alliance are now one both in spirit and on the battlefield. Even Allah cannot help NADS now :beer:


Commander Azuth- your defeat is imminent, perhaps you should be seeking asylum in Libya or Algeria. When you make a deal with the devil you have to be ready for judgement day..................

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Congratulations to the French and German leadership for bringing peace to war torn Europe. 

Commander Azuth- your defeat is imminent, perhaps you should be seeking asylum in Libya or Algeria.

When you make a deal with the devil you have to be ready for judgement day..................


Aiai, so close, but in the end the great but unfortunately blinded Swedish leader fails to see what this is all about.

I'll ask it one more time: join the effort to build a south-north highway. It's part of the Middle East Road Map to Peace. And since you're the Noble-man..


Pave the Way!

The Peace Is Out There!



THE SHeikh

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Aiai, so close, but in the end the great but unfortunately blinded Swedish leader fails to see what this is all about.

I'll ask it one more time: join the effort to build a south-north highway.  It's part of the Middle East Road Map to Peace.





zhis is very disturbing! Vhat's this attraction Morocco und Algeria have zhat we do not? Ve vill have to double our highway construction effort!!


Zhe good news is zhat I am collecting all zhe scrap metal from zhis 14 division Russian counterattack, zhat vill be used to upgrade zhe rail capacity for you so even more brothers und sisters can enjoy some R&R in zhe North...



Pave zhe way!

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What they (Algeria) have that you do not is 52 divisions in Hungary! KILL THE INFIDELS!


Predator, here is a Math quiz for you,


1) Let's pretend Northern Russia had 21 divisions and Algeria destroyed 21 of them, how many are left?


a. 21

b. 52

c. Czechoslavakia

d. The Pope

e. 0


Just want to see if you can subtract as well as you can add. (Hint: the answer is not 'B')


I do appreciate your cry of support for my cause and would be happy if you would begin killing the infidels (a.k.a. non-muslims, non-believers, YOU!)


I can only hope that your leadership skills are on par with your knowledge of Mathematics, Religion and Geography (I don't believe the divisions you miscounted are actually in Hungary). If your leadership skills are THAT GOOD, I think I will leave my assets in Europe and take my chances.


In case you haven't figured out the answer to the purely hypothetical scenario posed above, the correct answer is 'E'.


To the Central Russian President,


Our sincerest apologies, we had actually sent 3 large sacks of those Christmas cards your men enjoy so much, but one of the messengers carrying them had apparently misrepesented his ability to read a map when he applied for the job. Don't you worry though, we have replaced him with a more qualified individual and the deliveries will resume as soon as possible.




Benali Stilam Ali

President Libyan Liberation Organization

Member (in good standing) North African Defense Syndicate

All Around Nice Guy

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no quarter will be given.


How about a dime? A nickel maybe?


Canada, U.S., Portugal, Morocco, Algeria, Libya, Egypt, Syria, Saudi Arabia, U.A.E, are all considered NADS countries


And proud of it.



and threaten the peace of the entire world. 


:P uuuhhhhmmmm...... I think you got the NADS mission statement mixed up with your own Northern Alliance one.


Swedish forces will travel around the world if necessary to fight this cancer and put an end to the long suffering of our allies across the European continent. :oops:



                                Jean Baptiste Bernadotte III

                                King of Sweden


Well isn't that special. You're opening your own cruise line. I guess the Dread Pirate Roberts will have to come out and greet your ships like he has the Turkish and Southern Russian ones. B)

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zhat special time of year is nearing so I vould like all of you to zhink about your enemies who are not in possession of a serious air force anymore...


Life is a bitch for some of us...


Let's not forget that....



Luckily it seems to be all Russian enemies who suffer zhe lack of more and more ground und airforces.....




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