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Game 72


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:D I don't see it as a slip of the tongue since the information is on the world news. How many countries are still active?

1. Germany

2. France

3. Iceland

4. Great Britain

5. United States

6. Canada

7. Portugal

8. Algeria

9. Libya

10. Sweden

11. Finland

12. Northern Russia

13. Central Russia

14. Saudi Arabia

15. UAE

16 Egypt


I am not sure about Southern Russia and Turkey, if they have dropped taking xBatum and annoucing it is of little importance.

Have I missed anyone? Or have any of the above dropped?



It seems to me this is a lot of countries for so late in the game :oops:


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hmmm....  I guess I'm too subtle sometimes...


Anyvay... if Syria isn't active then who has been sucking up all my economic assistence over the past 40 turns?!?!?!?!?



B)  :ranting:  :blink:  :blink:  :blink:


:beer: must be me....


now let me crawl back under my rock...


hmmm I had better choose Italian Tech in this game....

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... now he needs a fleet as well....


:P INDEED :drunk:


so the fund raising can begin again.. and we the Syrian people await loads of cash to build shipyards... ships and all the supply the soak up...


hmm aswell as longrange fighters.. yep we also want those.. hmmm


hmmm and I want a BB Tirpitz...


so let those oil dollars flow to me... :D

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It looks like for the first time in this entire game you got something right.


Your division trespassed, and your division died. :D


Warmest regards

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I never did get an answer as to whether or not Turkey and Southern Russia are still in the game?


Vell, over zhe past 40 turns we assumed several times zhey were out of zhe game und every time we found zhem again hiding under some rock or in an obscure corner of zheir countries...


But let's assume zhey are out und zhat zhey left as zhey behaved all zhe game: in deep silence...


Enuf said... Fire up zhe engines, get zhose panthers moving und let's put some speed in zhis Great Highway Construction Project! (we might have to transfer some Syrian economic aid to our own aid...)


Pave zhe way!

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I never did get an answer as to whether or not Turkey and Southern Russia are still in the game?


But let's assume zhey are out und zhat zhey left as zhey behaved all zhe game: in deep silence...



They may be in deep silence but they have not left. I can confirm that both are alive and active.

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