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Game 72


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Which Russia? Northern, Central or Southern? or is it all 3 of them?  :alien2:

-Justin of France


Shhht, don't make it too hard.

The Saudi Potentate might be a great leader and a military genius, his mathematical abilities leave something to be desired. He cannot count till three..


So my guess is, he's still counting the Central Russian Airforce losses..





Pave the Way!

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Which Russia? Northern, Central or Southern? or is it all 3 of them?


Northern,again! :ranting:


Swedish forces have begun the counterattack :rolleyes:


:P Go Slicer :cheers:


Losses for Libya and Algeria will be high from here on out :wacko:


My Lords, My Ladies, My Gentlemen and Fred:


Pozhalu'sta, dai'tye mnye vozmoznost' govorit' chut-chut o bitvye v raiyonye yuzho-zapodnom chasti Bulgarii... bila bol'shay bitva v kotorom mnogo Egyptianskikh voisk pogib. Ya tolko zhelayu shto ikh roditeli bi mogli uznat' kovo iz nikh bili ikh sinov i bratyev. Tak mnogo pogiblo. Bol'she chem 8200 punkti vooruzheniy v odnom mesyatsye. UZHAS!


(for those of you who can read transliterated Russkiy Yazik, I have given you a detailed battle report for my most recent turn). For those who only speak either (1) Arabic or (2) with pebbles in their mouths <what's up with that?> then I am sorry that you get nothing. I salute those in (1) above, but the writings of (2) above has ensured that even if I am getting my hat handed to me, I will stop at nothing to take all of my energies against the one who, while attempting to role-play, merely makes himself sound goofy... and I am not speaking of the loveable Disney character. Dude, do yourself a favor and don't provoke such a visceral reaction in your opponents. (It really is just a game - <shock!>)


President (second term) V.I. Uskinov

President of Central Russian Republic and

Satellites States of Southern Rumanio-Russian and

Bulgaro-Russian Republics. (Soon to be "and Grecko-Russian")

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(It really is just a game - <shock!>)


You're taking it mighty serious and personal.....



What's your problem? The Freud character? Is that worse than you speaking in some foreign language?


Whatever it is, for personal things we use the email, let's keep it off the public boards.



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(It really is just a game - <shock!>)


You're taking it mighty serious and personal.....



What's your problem? The Freud character? Is that worse than you speaking in some foreign language?


Whatever it is, for personal things we use the email, let's keep it off the public boards.




I guess because I am a polyglot and I play roleplaying game (paper and pencil) you (1) appear out of character (Sigmund Freud in Saudi?) and (2) are making a subpar attempt at transliteration from what I can only guess is German.

Your bombast doesn't bother me a bit (how could it? that is main reason for a 'Propaganda' board), but your butchery of the things I hold dear (languages) justs grates on me in a manner that makes me want to seek you out in every Victory game and punish you for it. Therapy, dude. That is what attacking the Saudis will be. Therapy. (Clearly, I need a WHOLE BUNCH OF IT!) :-)

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    I guess because I am a polyglot and I play roleplaying game (paper and pencil) you (1) appear out of character (Sigmund Freud in Saudi?) and (2) are making a subpar attempt at transliteration from what I can only guess is German.


Slicer, as a roleplayer you should already know that 1) Dr. Freud has a right to play his character as he sees fit not as you dictate. He plays his character, you play yours. 2) his "subpar attempt at transliteration" is again, roleplaying in which you have no say into how he does it. Dr. Freud chooses to play his character with comedy and you choose to play your's with drama. No one lambastes you on your phonetic russian text so you shouldn't do the same to Dr. Freud when he does it with a German non-native English speaker's accent.


Your bombast doesn't bother me a bit (how could it? that is main reason for a 'Propaganda' board), but your butchery of the things I hold dear (languages) justs grates on me in a manner that makes me want to seek you out in every Victory game and punish you for it.  Therapy, dude.  That is what attacking the Saudis will be.  Therapy.  (Clearly, I need a WHOLE BUNCH OF IT!)  :-)


If anyone has been bombast on this forum it has been yourself. I would not be so quick to point that finger until you look in the mirror. If you choose to attack Dr. Freud in every Victory game because he pokes fun at our very human trait of attempting to speak non-native languages then so be it. That is your choice just as it is Dr. Freud's choice on how he roleplays his character.


Take a chill pill. Remember, as you pointed out, that this is just a game. The forums are an extension of that game.


Now back to your regularly scheduled light-hearted and humorous trash talking. :rolleyes:

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ve are STILL counting zhe Russian losses!!!


Are you counting ghost formations in your sleep because I didn't think S. Russia had much left to work with and that is the ONLY Russia you can be talking about.


Question for USMC Pointman: What do you do when the front is no longer the front but the rear? Perhaps your fate will be the same as Custers. ALL DEAD! :woohoo::cheers:

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LOL Predator


You should change your name to Baghdad bob. :P

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