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Game 72


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So much for their Northern Alliance, fighting has started among them....


Hardly, S. Russia is a dead country. You'de be doing the same thing.


I've heard from the Fins in Yugoslavia you can see the clouds of dust of Algerian armies retreating out of Czech headed south. You'll run all the way to Italy if your smart........ :laugh:

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S. Russia is a dead country.


So yet another country has been consumed by the NADs. I hear the leader of the United States has joined the former S. Russian leader in leaving his post. Any takers for a replacement?


As for other countries in the west, I'm quite impressed at their persistence. They continue on and seem to come back from the dead. It’s not clear if sometimes they are controlled by another puppeteer? Bravo to those that do continue on, as anything is possible. :laugh:


-Justin of France

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Bravo to those that do continue on


Surely Persia and Southern Russia left as they played the whole game: in utter silence...


Too bad. They were clearly among the best of enemies as I've ever seen in any Vic. On the other hand... With allies like the Great Beloved Leader of Syria who needs enemies....?



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S. Russia is a dead country.


So yet another country has been consumed by the NADs. I hear the leader of the United States has joined the former S. Russian leader in leaving his post. Any takers for a replacement?


As for other countries in the west, I'm quite impressed at their persistence. They continue on and seem to come back from the dead. It’s not clear if sometimes they are controlled by another puppeteer? Bravo to those that do continue on, as anything is possible. :D


-Justin of France


Puppeteer...bah! I still hold the remnants of Portugal together. Strangely as I look out from the balcony of my Lisbon villa I can see the fumes of the French Panzers...


Curse those cheese eating surrender monkeys!

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Hey Meatball,


RECENT WORLD EVENTS: Morocco has conquered xCordoba from Portugal.


Sorry to see that Morocco has turned on you, in your time of need. Morocco has 14 Mech 39 divisions. I think your 15 Mech 39 and 3 Sherman 43 divisions can take him. Though I must warn you, he still has a group of Whitley Bombers in the area. Good Luck defending against the trader. :python:


-Justin of France

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Hey Meatball,


    RECENT WORLD EVENTS: Morocco has conquered xCordoba from Portugal.


    Sorry to see that Morocco has turned on you, in your time of need. Morocco has 14 Mech 39 divisions. I think your 15 Mech 39 and 3 Sherman 43 divisions can take him. Though I must warn you, he still has a group of Whitley Bombers in the area. Good Luck defending against the trader.  :python:


-Justin of France




First of all I never was part of the group that made the alliance with the nad's. I have been at war with Portugal since I took over this worthless country. I am new and am learning to play. I have learned so much from everybody that is kicking my butt. Like France and Algers. I have never even talked to Meatball, So how can I be a traitor?

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First of all I never was part of the group that made the alliance with the nad's. I have been at war with Portugal since I took over this worthless country. I am new and am learning to play. I have learned so much from everybody that is kicking my butt. Like France and Algers. I have never even talked to Meatball, So how can I be a traitor?


So why not fight for your own country against the invader Algeria? You want to hurt Algeria? Build planes and start attacking his ports: Tunis and Algiers. By sinking his ak's you would really hurt his efforts in Europe.


After the massacre of the Fins last turn it looks like it falls to me to stop Algeria and Libya. :oops::cheers::unsure: That's okay cause I'm not a beginner.


Swedish scientists have begun research into cloning our generals as they have YET to be defeated in battle in this game. :python:

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So why not fight for your own country against the invader Algeria? You want to hurt Algeria? Build planes and start attacking his ports: Tunis and Algiers. By sinking his ak's you would really hurt his efforts in Europe.





When I took over this country there was no petroleum, I was involved in a war with France and Iceland.


Why didn't you offer me any aid THEN when it might have been helpful.


And for building planes and attacking Algiers ports. Did that, got my butt handed to me. Fighting for my own country doing that getting my butt handed to me.

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When I took over this country there was no petroleum, I was involved in a war with France and Iceland.


Why didn't you offer me any aid THEN when it might have been helpful.


And for building planes and attacking Algiers ports. Did that, got my butt handed to me. Fighting for my own country doing that getting my butt handed to me.


Had I known your needs I would of tried to help you out.


Don't be discouraged with having your butt handed to you as a beginner. Everybody goes through that. It is hard enough to pick up a country more than halfway through a game, let alone as a beginner. Not to mention you are fighting the most powerful country in this game right now. Nobody can match the production that Algeria has right now.


Good luck to you in future games! :python:

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He pulled out of Czech back into Hungary to deal with the Finnish threat, rather successfully I might add. Partly good timing and partly by error on the Finns part. You know you just gotta give your armies enough fuel to retreat with!


Anyway so far no Algerian success against Sweden. We will continue south and see if he is up to the challenge.


As far as looking at the production of the group I'd say NADS definately has the most group production. As far as a single nation per turn production you would have a hard time convincing me anyone can outproduce Algeria right now. I think France has alot in your group and there are a few others that do as well. But keep in mind that Algeria has fought the whole game without suffering many losses until fighting the Northern Alliance. They double teamed tunisia and I am pretty sure when they came into Italy it was dropped as was yugoslavia and hungary.

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