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Game 72


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:python: Greece was beat up pretty badly when Algeria hit them but Bulgaria was strong. So they have lost Portugal and we have beaten US and Canada but of course can not invade their home countries. I do not think Algeria and Libya are at all allied to the other countries. SO Algeria and Libya have conquered Tunisa their former TA Morocco, Italy, Yugoslavia, Greece, Hungary,parts of cech and Bulgaria. I count 9 or 10 countries.

I guess you are right :oops:


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He pulled out of Czech back into Hungary to deal with the Finnish threat, rather successfully I might add.



Yes very. All planed to the T.



Partly good timing and partly by error on the Finns part. You know you just gotta give your armies enough fuel to retreat with!




Well fuel is always good to have. But that is not why the Finns lost his army. OOP'S I should say armies :python:



Anyway so far no Algerian success against Sweden. We will continue south and see if he is up to the challenge.




I believe that you will see how much of a challenge I am.




As far as looking at the production of the group I'd say NADS definately has the most group production. As far as a single nation per turn production you would have a hard time convincing me anyone can outproduce Algeria right now. I think France has alot in your group and there are a few others that do as well. But keep in mind that Algeria has fought the whole game without suffering many losses until fighting the Northern Alliance.



Many losses?

I have only lost so far on the count 15 div's to the N. Alliance.



They double teamed tunisia and I am pretty sure when they came into Italy it was dropped as was yugoslavia and hungary.



Like your Northern Alliance tried to triple team me.


Tunis was a player and died fast.

Italy did drop after we landed.

Yugoslavia and Hungary owned by Greece and Bulgaria.

Greece lost his armies and that was a player country.


So Predator I will see you on the battle field lets see what you are made of.


I would like to say to all the players in game 72. This includes my enemies. Thank you all for the great game play. I have enjoyed it very much. I hope you all have as well. :unsure::cheers:





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I would like to say to all the players in game 72. This includes my enemies. Thank you all for the great game play. I have enjoyed it very much. I hope you all have as well. :cheers:  :drunk:






I agree game 72 has been a good game, thus far. There have been many surprises and turning points. It's been a challenge through out and continues to be. Even with Baghdad Bob keeping the Forum entertaining. I can't wait to hear the next excuse for the Northern Alliance losses and how their still kicking butt. :cheers:


-Justin of France

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Well fuel is always good to have. But that is not why the Finns lost his army. OOP'S I should say armies 


Actually the Finnish army that died at debrecen did so because it didn't have fuel to retreat.


I can't wait to hear the next excuse for the Northern Alliance losses and how their still kicking butt.


Excuses? I don't believe I've offered any of those for Sweden nor have I needed to. N. Russia has been beaten badly by France, Germany, and Algeria but is a new player and would not heed our advice. As for Finland, he got hit by three countries combined airforces and two countries armies. Not much anyone can do about that in the same situation.


This has been an enjoyable game especially with all of the personalities and countries still playing. It has taken some unexpected turns, especially the most recent one most people still don't even know about.



In closing I do not care for the Baghdad Bob moniker and take offense to those who use it.


Good luck Pointman, I'll see you somewhere in Hungary. :P

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Well fuel is always good to have. But that is not why the Finns lost his army. OOP'S I should say armies 


Actually the Finnish army that died at debrecen did so because it didn't have fuel to retreat.



Ummm....ok. Try not having a retreat location. I think you will find fuel had nothing to do with it.


As for Finland, he got hit by three countries combined airforces and two countries armies. Not much anyone can do about that in the same situation.


Huh. I faced the same for most of the game and I'm doing just fine. Number of enemy forces and their combined attacks can't cover bad strategy and tactics. That feint to the south east was a bad move. And, unfortunately for Finland, a costly one.


This has been an enjoyable game especially with all of the personalities and countries still playing. It has taken some unexpected turns, especially the most recent one most people still don't even know about.


I agree. See NADS and the Northern Alliance can agree upon something. :woohoo:


All the players in game 72 have made this the most enjoyable game of Victory to date. Thanks guys and I hope to see you all in the next game.


In closing I do not care for the Baghdad Bob moniker and take offense to those who use it.


Ok. How about Stockholm Sam? :)

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Ummm....ok. Try not having a retreat location. I think you will find fuel had nothing to do with it


That may have been the case but he insists it was a fuel problem. I took him at his word and didn't look that closely at the turn. At any rate it's me against the three of you now more or less. I'm am looking forward to the fight.


Huh. I faced the same for most of the game and I'm doing just fine. Number of enemy forces and their combined attacks can't cover bad strategy and tactics. That feint to the south east was a bad move. And, unfortunately for Finland, a costly one.


Let me explain something. Finland and I have played victory together for the last 11 or so years and it seems every game no matter who we hook up with we get bad or inexperienced allies. This game has been no different. From the start it has been a struggle because the Russia's went about trying to gobble everything up for themselves and never have really left an avenue for finland and myself to go anywhere. For example I have a single city wide route south and that is only because of an agreement with an ally not a ta. Finland was not as lucky but gets a city here and there. It is almost impossible to run a war and concentrate your attacks on your enemy when you can't get your forces where they are needed.

Thus the need for the attack from the south east, far from help from his allies.


I have always played this game to where if my ta needed anything from troop support to supplies to any ores I would help them even to the detriment of my own country. My ta Finland has always done the same. Game after game that we have been in we find players that don't undertand this concept. This to me has been the most frustrating thing about victory in general to the point where I have considered not playing anymore. It takes more the a two player group to survive in this game, especially if you play in Europe. But alas, I love the game too much so I plug on. My hat is off to players such as Egypt and France who have gone above and beyond for their ta's germany and syria in this game.


Despite my frustrations I have had the most fun in this game since game 46.

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it seems every game no matter who we hook up with we get bad or inexperienced allies.......



My hat is off to players such as Egypt and France who have gone above and beyond for their ta's germany and syria in this game. ......


Despite my frustrations I have had the most fun in this game since game 46.


Guess what... UAE and myself have been playing this game for some years with a 'minor' pause of 10 years in between but each and every time we find ourselves with this TA of us (Syria) who goes for Total War from day 1 and we end up sending cash and resources and defending his home country....


We were lucky to to form this NADS thing, create a Vision, to do something none have done before and have the Black Brothers invade Europe. Without Egypt Syria would indeed have been dead early on facing the Mighty Block of the Three Silent Warriors Turkey, CRus and SRus.


All that's left now is Paving zhe Way! xMoscow will be connected before the end of the game, in fact we're ahead of schedule right now... And believe it or not, CRussian forces have been under air attacks from Syria for the past 2 turns.... (Say what?!?!?)


Indeed, this is starting to look the Mother of all Vics if we can all sit it out and beat the living shit out of each other for the remaining 20 turns...




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My Dear Doktor,


Congratulations on your vision and the success you have had in carrying it out. Things have just gotten a lot easier for you as our ta C. Russia has been called off to the real war and we have been unable to fill the position despite our best efforts. I apologize for you having to fight the computer for the rest of the way as I think you would've enjoyed the challenge C. Russia would've presented. :blink:

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I apologize for you having to fight the computer for the rest of the way as I think you would've enjoyed the challenge C. Russia would've presented





No not fighting the computer for 20 turns!


I hate that, these insane amounts of LDBs stuffed together in legendary fortifications in every city along the way....


Well, the best part about your TA was that he at least participated in the forum. Oh well, a next game possibly...




we need to revisit our highway construction plans. I suggest we switch to plan B: land air units in Finland and Sweden for knocking out our TA Norway many many maaaaaaaaaaaany days ago....





BTW I have this other vision of one day invading the US and Canada in stead of every Vic game the other way around... :(

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:cheers: Hello out there. It seems people are dropping left and right. US and Canada took over Ireland , then they seem to have fallen of the face of the earth just because of a few bombers. ( I count about 10,000 every turn for the past three months) All ships destroyed, entire island interdicted, airbase levels nearly destroyed, remaining fighters unable to fly. Troops under constant attack. It seems the Leaders of the United States and Canada have abandoned their expeditionary forces.

At least Portugal and Morocco kept fighting even though it is a lost cause. :blink:




Fight on dedicated Victory! players



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   At least Portugal and Morocco kept fighting even though it is a lost cause. :woohoo:


Ahaha! I have you right where I want you guys now, in my capital! :cheers:


Been a great game so far guys! Learned a lot and will be back with a vengeance in Game 78 :blink: I'll still stick around a bit to make like miserable as long as possible for anyone that wants Portugese soil. I've already ordered all the bakers to stop making fresh rolls...

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