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Game 72


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Been a great game so far guys! Learned a lot and will be back with a vengeance in Game 78  I'll still stick around a bit to make like miserable as long as possible for anyone that wants Portugese soil. I've already ordered all the bakers to stop making fresh rolls...


I will be in 78 as well and look forward to your sense of humor on the forum. :cheers:

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Me thinks there will be a Link to 78, sooooo you could get revenge or we could be friends. 


I think that is something that geography will decide as it's a big world. I don't need revenge you guys took us out of that game fair and sqaure. This game is far from decided it will probably go to either your group or NADS. We lost our chance when C. Russia got called off to war. But I bet the Pointman doesn't win either, I am seeing to that personally.




To Victory! :rolleyes:

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:pirate: Hello out there. It seems people are dropping left and right. US and Canada took over Ireland , then they seem to have fallen of the face of the earth just because of a few bombers. ( I count about 10,000 every turn for the past three months) All ships destroyed, entire island interdicted, airbase levels nearly destroyed, remaining fighters unable to fly. Troops under constant attack. It seems the Leaders of the United States and Canada have abandoned their expeditionary forces.

  At least Portugal and Morocco kept fighting even though it is a lost cause. :drunk:


              Fight on dedicated Victory! players




*smile* I'm still very much alive.

And so are my expeditionary forces. You will have to check your reports more closely and then tell me if you still believe that you destroyed all my ships and aircraft.


yours truely,



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*smile* I'm still very much alive.

And so are my expeditionary forces. You will have to check your reports more closely and then tell me if you still believe that you destroyed all my ships and aircraft.


yours truely,




:pirate: Glad to hear from you, your partner, however seems to have given up on his expeditionary force :drunk:


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You lost your only chance when Southern Russia gave in without loosing any of his own territory...


S. Russia was never a part of my group..........What he did or could have done would have had no bearing on C. Russia. C. Russia was preparing for a war with you guys. He would have had 75 Swedish bombers to back him up. What could have been.......I don't think there will be time for you guys to go much farther than the empty territory C. Russia offers, and if there is than a live enemy awaits.

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*smile* I'm still very much alive.

And so are my expeditionary forces. You will have to check your reports more closely and then tell me if you still believe that you destroyed all my ships and aircraft.


yours truely,




:) Reports do in fact indicate 4 Canadian fighter groups were brought back to full strengh, the key word here is "were".

Will the bombers ever stop coming, coming, coming ?????




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Ahaha!  I have you right where I want you guys now, in my capital!  :woohoo:


Been a great game so far guys!  Learned a lot and will be back with a vengeance in Game 78 :nuke:  I'll still stick around a bit to make life miserable as long as possible for anyone that wants Portugese soil.  I've already ordered all the bakers to stop making fresh rolls...


Hey Meatball,


Looks like I only have your fortified capital left to take. Even the bakers are complaining that your armies vintage Mech 39s are no match against my mighty SS Panthers. :)


The war for Spain has been fun. I hope to see you in another game in the future. Hopefully, you'll arm the troops with equipment that has a fighting chance. :blink:


-Justin of France

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Looks like the bombing campaign against Sweden has finally began. Our fighter pilots are on stand by around the clock to meet the enemy. Egypt has been the first to taste the skill and determination of the Swedish Air Commands best young pilots. 100 bombers and over 300 fighters shot down in one attack. Who dares fly against such an onslaught unescorted? Perhaps Libya makes that mistake tomorrow.


Perhaps I can pass Germany's air kills before games end!? <_<


Kill the infidels! :woohoo::wub:


Even though C. Russia has departed his country continues to repulse Libyan armies and sink Egyptian Queen Mary's. How bad off would they be if he was still playing!?


Last two turns between Sweden and C. Russia 10 Queen Mary's found their watery graves, all on board lost! :D

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Looks like the bombing campaign against Sweden has finally began. Our fighter pilots are on stand by around the clock to meet the enemy. Egypt has been the first to taste the skill and determination of the Swedish Air Commands best young pilots. 100 bombers and over 300 fighters shot down in one attack. Who dares fly against such an onslaught unescorted? Perhaps Libya makes that mistake tomorrow.


hhmmm. I guess you missed my escort force while crying over the 350 plus planes you lost and the roughly 5% I still bombed off your 17 divisions. :woohoo:


Perhaps I can pass Germany's air kills before games end!? :pirate2:


Kill the infidels! <_<  :rolleyes:


I doubt it for both of these statements. :D


Even though C. Russia has departed his country continues to repulse Libyan armies and sink Egyptian Queen Mary's. How bad off would they be if he was still playing!?


Last two turns between Sweden and C. Russia 10 Queen Mary's found their watery graves, all on board lost! :wub:


I think we would be doing about the same or better if C. Russia was still playing. I wouldn't be so quick to hail a Victory for the C. Russian because he repulsed a general engagement or sunk 2 Queen Marys. You were by far more effective in your attacks than he ever was. :oops:

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hhmmm. I guess you missed my escort force while crying over the 350 plus planes you lost and the roughly 5% I still bombed off your 17 divisions.


So the enemy speaks!! The fighters are of no consequence we literally have thousands. You will find I can replace my air losses much faster and more efficient than you will be able to. 350+ air factories are a nice commodity. Come back and visit again by all means. I hardly doubt 5% off a few divisions are worth the losses you suffered.


As for Libya I have seen at least 4 armies bounce off C. Russia in the last two turns and not all of them were general engagements.


C. Russia sunk three Queen Mary's I thought and I got seven of Libya's. Looks like shipping in the med is getting tricky these days. That is not a ship you can go out and replace overnight. You can only build one a turn and if that is all you depend on for your shipping and they all get sunk you can get in a bind getting your supplies and reinforcements to Europe.


You were by far more effective in your attacks than he ever was.


Thank you for the compliment I hope that will continue in the future. I will burn the midnight oil in an attempt to be as disruptive to your groups war effort as possible.


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Bob (aka Predator)


With the loss of the Bulgarian resource stockpiles, the port connection from Burgas, and two thirds of his air force, I don't believe the Central Russian armies would have lasted much longer whether controlled by a player or a robot.


On March 8th, on the Game 78 board you said you were too busy in game 72 to sign up for game 78. And you said "Europe is about to be a bloodbath". I notice that on May 3rd you mentioned that you now signing up for game 78. Hmmm....I wonder what could have happened in those four turns that made you change your mind? Since Algeria, Egypt and I are still here, your schedule didn't get freed up by virtue of destroying your enemies in this game. Only one other possible scenario immediately comes to my mind.



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I wonder what could have happened in those four turns that made you change your mind? Since Algeria, Egypt and I are still here, your schedule didn't get freed up by virtue of destroying your enemies in this game. Only one other possible scenario immediately comes to my mind.


Libya speaks! Nothing happened in those four turns to change my mind. This game is winding down and I wanted to get in the next one because I figured it would start about the same time this one ended.


If you are implying I will not make it to the end than I really have to laugh. Granted I could not have foreseen C. Russia dropping out, but he was called off to the real war. Unforeseen as that might have been that only means you and Egypt have an easy road the rest of the game in Rumania and C. Russia.


As for not destroying my enemies that is a work in progress. Easy for you to say since it is unlikely we will meet anywhere but in the air. Why don't you send those bombers by.....hopefully you ran on your scheduled day and did send your bombers around....hahahaha!


I certainly don't see your buddy Algeria in any rush to take back Czech or Austria that he recently lost. I will continue south until you guys stop me. Er I mean Algeria since you can't.


With the loss of the Bulgarian resource stockpiles, the port connection from Burgas, and two thirds of his air force, I don't believe the Central Russian armies would have lasted much longer whether controlled by a player or a robot


I don't see how you say that when you have attacked them multiple times in successive turns and are still being repulsed. Imagine this....a live player would be drawing replacements on those armies and they would have air support. What would you have done with that scenario?????????????

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