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Game 72


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....a live player would be drawing replacements on those armies and they would have air support. What would you have done with that scenario?????????????


Hard to do when he has no resources in the area and no air support because he lost 2/3 of his airforce. That was all when there WAS a person playing. Shortly after that happened, he dropped.

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Hard to do when he has no resources in the area and no air support because he lost 2/3 of his airforce. That was all when there WAS a person playing. Shortly after that happened, he dropped.


Replacements are railed in. The resources in rumania do not affect the production in Baltic, Poland ,Or C. Russia. His airforce never was of much consequence. It was and still is the T-34's that was the difference. None of the above had anything to do with him dropping. He was called off to the war in Iraq. It certainly had nothing to do with anything Libya or yourself were doing to him.


Sounds to me like you want credit for knocking out C. Russia and that couldn't be farther from the truth. :woohoo:

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Dateline Berlin


In front of a crowd estimated to be over 1,000,000 strong the leader of the Germany Reich presided over a review of uncounted divisions of the Wehrmacht while great formations of the luftwaffe flew overhead. The president brought the crowd to a high level of excitement promising to restore the all lost territiories to the Fatherland. "All who stand in the way of uniting the Fatherland shall be crushed". The crowd went wild.

It was reported that Rommel :jawdrop: along with Guderian, Runstedt, Keitel and the prince of the air, Air Marshall Goring were all present and vowed to help unite German people in a restored Fatherland.

Enlistments were at an all time high following the extravagant spectacle and many were turned away as all three services were reported to be at full strength. It has also been reported that all factories have been converted to the war effort and nearly 100% of the population has been employed for months including those in the occupied countries of Austria, eastern Czechoslovakia and the Lowlands.


Berlin Times

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Sounds to me like you want credit for knocking out C. Russia and that couldn't be farther from the truth.  :o


No. No credit. However, now that you mention it, it is a little convinient that he was called away to war the same turn he lost all that stuff. All the military personnel I know here in the States (enlisted and officer) knew monthes in advance when their deployment were.

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Replacements are railed in.



Only if he built an "underground railroad". Otherwise, he had insufficient rail capacity to meet the demand.


He repulsed some Green troops, a general engagement, and a couple of Advance to Contacts....all designed to wear him down since my bombers were busy elsewhere. I didn't say he wasn't a decent and competent player, I simply said, he wouldn't be able to get replacements fast enough and his destiny was written before he was called up.


Good luck against Algeria, you're going to need it. He is a very skilled commander. The best move I made in this game was TA ALGERIA.



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All the military personnel I know here in the States (enlisted and officer) knew monthes in advance when their deployment were.


I am not sure of the circumstances, he has been called away before unexpectedly so I think he is something other than regular military.


since my bombers were busy elsewhere


c'mon back with them..........


Good luck against Algeria, you're going to need it


Yea well I suddenly have a German problem to deal with first. :o

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:cheers: I think Moscow would be a good place for the Berlin to Moscow Highway to end!!!!!!  What do you think?  :blink:



That would connect our lovely Saudi and UAE bitches uuhhh I mean beaches to the German beer festen.


But do let us think about and plan for connecting the Scandinavian capitals as well. We still have a score to settle with them for kicking out Norway many, many, maaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaany turns ago...



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But do let us think about and plan for connecting the Scandinavian capitals as well. We still have a score to settle with them for kicking out Norway many, many, maaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaany turns ago...


I may or may not fall in Europe now that I have yet another enemy but no camel jockey is going to set foot in paradise, I mean Sweden. :thumbsup:

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