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Hang on Pointman, Portugal attacked me in southern France was defeated and then we carried the fight into Spain encountering some 60+ Moroccan divisions in Barcelona, Tarragona and on down the coast.............I wonder what they were doing there? Manouevres? Practicing? Or preparing for an invasion!


If Portugal (who was untouched) and Morocco (who was also at full strength) combined with Canadian and U.S. air forces (which were present in Spain) would have attack cooperatively we would have been swept quite easily. If I recall I had only 25 or so divisions and France was commited elsewhere. Instead they attacked piece-meal and we took the fight to them, and were victorious! So don't act like we were the aggressors here.


Get your facts straight!





Well lets see I did have my facts straight.


1st fact. I did say Portugal attacked first into France. (After he was told not too. There for he was on his own. USA and Canada had nothing to do with me.)


2nd fact. By your own words you attack Morocco. (Not saying that you should not of. That was your choice. I did not care because I had been trying to break the TA for 15 turns on him.)


3rd fact. By your own words you are the aggressors by attacking into Morocco held Spain.


4th fact. This is not even about any of the above. Its about Don and Justin giving there word. Then going back on it.


So Templar my facts are straight.

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Here is why the world is all turning against NADS:


1)It has been proven in the skies over Hungary and Yugoslavia that their pilots are unskilled and ineffective.


2)After rolling most of the game Algeria has run into a brick wall he can't climb over


3)The highway construction currently under developement in C.Russia lacks vision and imagination. Who wants to go to Russia? All it does is snow there!


4)They are like rats that won't die even after you kill them. (see Syria)


I have long pushed for all of Europe to unite and push NADS back across the MED. Now my dream has been realized and into THE SEA YOU INFIDELS WIL GOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :ninja:<_<:D:P



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3)The highway construction currently under developement in C.Russia lacks vision and imagination. Who wants to go to Russia? All it does is snow there!




That hurts!


And let's be honest, a very easy whining complaint from somebody who has undoubtedly done his calculations and concluded that whatever he does or say he will be safe from the Highway Construction Effort for the remainder of this game by cowering behind the countries who lay in between...


Honerable (?) Don has asked many turns ago not to connect xBerlin to the Great Highway. A man a man, a promise a promise. All that remains is an all out effort to get as far North as possible...


zhe Doc!

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And let's be honest, a very easy whining complaint from somebody who has undoubtedly done his calculations and concluded that whatever he does or say he will be safe from the Highway Construction Effort for the remainder of this game by cowering behind the countries who lay in between


Safe!? Since taking a hold in Europe I have been waging war with entire groups at the same time and not taking out countries four on one and five on two. Not only have I held my own while my allies troops were being wiped out but more often than not I have come out on top. At one point we were fighting germany, france, iceland, great britain, ireland, greece, and bulgaria all at the same time from different directions.


Lucky for you that I am safe and out of the way or perhaps you too would now be experiencing the same fate that Algeria and Libya have been suffering at my hands. You and your allies could easily have gone through S.Russia and headed west to help your NADS but obviously you would rather drive around lost in a blizzard.


I hope you all freeze. :nuke:

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Well I can say this I called Don and Justin my friends. I see you can't trust them to stick to there word.


Don I would not of cut you off up north you know that because we talked about it. You and Justin would of went up though Poland. So you attacking me for that reason is a lie.


Justin I told you that you could have Spain before the end of the game. I have done everything that I have said I would. You have lied as well to me.


I will remember this in the future.




It's unfortunate to hear that you believe that I'm a liar. I emailed you stating that, I believe that Iceland and I deserve to have all of mainland Spain. This was due to Portugal and Morocco declaring war. Afterwhich, Iceland and I had to destroy their 177 divisions, 106 Portugal divisions, 71 Morocco divisions.


For Reference:

Portugal has declared war on France, Monday, May 23, 2005

Morocco has declared war on France, Wednesday, October 26, 2005


As you are unwilling to vacate mainland Spain, my forces will escort them out.


I hope this clears up any confusion. Cheers to the Victor. :nuke:


-Justin of

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You and your allies could easily have gone through S.Russia and headed west to help your NADS but obviously you would rather drive around lost in a blizzard.

Easily you say?!


As a Vic!-veteran you must have some idea about the logistical nightmare to get UAE troops and material into Central Russia and further.

Apart from that, I think you give too little credit to our defeated enemies (Turkey, Southern Russia and Persia).


Lucky for you that I am safe and out of the way or perhaps you too would now be experiencing the same fate that Algeria and Libya have been suffering at my hands.

Your hands alone? I'm impressed.

Very lucky indeed! We are and would have been. Or not.



Safe!? Since taking a hold in Europe I have been waging war with entire groups at I saythe same time and not taking out countries four on one and five on two. Not only have I held my own while my allies troops were being wiped out but more often than not I have come out on top. At one point we were fighting germany, france, iceland, great britain, ireland, greece, and bulgaria all at the same time from different directions.

Even more impressed.

Waging war Alone.

Against so Many countries.

With so Little allied support.

And Defeating them all.


The markings of a true Winner!


I say: time to evaluate our nordic walkingspeed.




THE SHeikh

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My regards to the Sheikh. Your advancements from the far away shores of U.A.E. have been most impressive




Murmansk okay, that's doable but all the way into Sweden is asking maybe a bit too much from our construction crew...?


Seriously!? The completed road to Moscow is no longer what it is advertised as being. What is done is undone and what isn't done will never be done.


Do not advertise to your people visits to the Kremlin. It will not be a vacation to them but a funeral. Much like it was for the construction crews and their families and the troops sworn to protect them.



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What is done is undone and what isn't done will never be done.


Do not advertise to your people visits to the Kremlin. It will not be a vacation to them but a funeral. Much like it was for the construction crews and their families and the troops sworn to protect them.





Yorn desh born, der ritt de gitt der gue, Orn desh, dee born desh, de umn børk! børk! børk!






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