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Game 72


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As for targets of opportunity in central russia I went six places and came up empty everywhere. Has Saudi dropped, I have seen no activity from him in a couple of turns now. Nothing from Egypt recently as well. Is it down to U.A.E. and Libya now? Has everyone else lost their taste for combat???????????


Chef, my battle reports haven't been this long for ages, are you certain you are bombing central russia in the right game?


And recons are a lovely thing, don't leave your cold homes without it...


Otherwise the quantum mechanics of Russ' universe might have something to do with it...



But of course you shouldn't be bombing the Central Russian plains anymore but those of Northern Russian. I don't believe it, not a single LDB to defend against airbornes? Does this mean xLeningrad is up for grabs? Just dump an Air40 and its yours?!?!?!




:D Central Russia is VERY VERY big, I once played it and took most of Northern Russia and parts of Southern Russia. Even with the double order rail movement I had trouble railing from the artic

to the southern Russian front ie 34 provinces. :python:

:D to Shiekk Makum bin Sultan AL Rashi or wahatever for fighting this far north!!!!!!


Rommel visting Tunsia for a little sun

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...I don't believe it, not a single LDB to defend against airbornes? Does this mean xLeningrad is up for grabs? Just dump an Air40 and its yours?!?!?! :python:


Damn that Algerian computer player, :D , I've lost 4 air divisions thus far from LDBs being built. Vic must have increased the computer players capability to match the previous real player's capabilities.


I'm glad to see Libya still has a fight in him, should be fun taking out his air bases. :D


-Justin of France

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Damn that Algerian computer player, :D , I've lost 4 air divisions thus far from LDBs being built. Vic must have increased the computer players capability to match the previous real player's capabilities.




Yep, fighting the computer has proven a lot harder than the human players up to now, no easy airdrops...

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Damn I'm bored.


Now that the Moscow roundabout is finished and Leningrad almost connected to the Dubai-Riyadh Highway, what else is there to do that makes sense in the few turns remaining...?


There must be more than picking of those sitting Northern Russian armored ducks......? I mean, when even our Great Beloved Syrian Ruler of All is able to grab his share of decapitating the struggling divisions something must be wrong...



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Damn I'm bored


Tell me about it. I have continuosly been cut off in this game by my own allies to the front lines. And last turn THEY DID IT AGAIN! I can not wait for this game to end. What good is it to have 50+ divisions at the front lines if they can't move anywhere............Time to concentrate our energy completely on game 78!

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Damn I'm bored


Tell me about it. I have continuosly been cut off in this game by my own allies to the front lines. And last turn THEY DID IT AGAIN! I can not wait for this game to end. What good is it to have 50+ divisions at the front lines if they can't move anywhere............Time to concentrate our energy completely on game 78!



You both may be bored but I for one am glad there are three alliances plus Canada still playing. Which group thinks they are winning? :python: I am not sure. I do think Algeria was winning as an individual before he dropped. His income was over $35,000 per turn. Very Very impressive


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Which group thinks they are winning?




Who cares about winning?



It's all about Paving the Way! Moraly speaking NADS is already the winner, nobody ever before organized themselves this way...


In the moral winner in NADS must be THE SHeik. The no good scum from the Mother of all Deserts, who is capitalizing on the Saudi Highway Construction dudes and in the final stages putting the Pedal to the Metal by overtaking the dudes and at the point of taking some R&R at the Baltic Sea (say what!??!?).



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I do think Algeria was winning as an individual before he dropped. His income was over $35,000 per turn. Very Very impressive.


In my opinion not very impressive at all. After the initial double team of tunisia he never really fought a live player in this game. you could argue he fought the bulgaria player but it was really germany and central russia that defeated bulgaria. When he finally did come up against a live active player it was the northern alliance and we (Sweden & N. Russia) stopped him in his tracks when he was at his most powerful.



In the moral winner in NADS must be THE SHeik. The no good scum from the Mother of all Deserts, who is capitalizing on the Saudi Highway Construction dudes and in the final stages putting the Pedal to the Metal by overtaking the dudes and at the point of taking some R&R at the Baltic Sea (say what!??!?).


R&R in the Baltic!? We have been seeing the bragging about getting to Leningrad but air drops into unoccupied provinces that are destroyed immediately don't count for much in my opinion. U.A.E., Egypt, AND Saudi continue to go out of their way to avoid the real battles such as the large army at Moscow. Going around Moscow with little forces that are being destroyed by the northern allies air forces as we speak does not accomplish the goals set forth by NADS own proclamations.


Furthermore egypt has done nothing in europe on the ground except avoid the advancing armies of germany,N. Russia and Sweden. At least Libya is standing and making a fight of it.


It's all about Paving the Way! Moraly speaking NADS is already the winner, nobody ever before organized themselves this way


That is the most ignorant statement I have seen in a while......Libya,Egypt, and Algeria all had a chance middle way through this game to eliminate the northern alliance in europe while we were still the weaker group by combinig the efforts of their airforces and ground troops but they didn't. It was obvious to us after fighting battles that they weren't even set up to share intelligence and defensive battles. We were and began wiping out entire airbases in our combined efforts and then the armies followed. Just because you get a block of nations in the same area doesn't mean you are organized. People have been more organized and more successful in this game way before you guys came along in 72. :woohoo:

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:woohoo: to Shiekk Makum bin Sultan AL Rashi or wahatever for fighting this far north!!!!!!

Thanks Don. Just doing my duty showing the Way to the peaceloving people in the northern hemisphere..


In the moral winner in NADS must be THE SHeik.

Thx again. It takes two (and in this game even more) to cossack dance.


In my opinion not very impressive at all. (..)When he finally did come up against a live active player it was the northern alliance and we (Sweden & N. Russia) stopped him in his tracks when he was at his most powerful.

I still think it is an impressive effort.

See it from a positive viewpoint. Him being stopped by the (Sweden lead) Northern Alliance, makes you even more impressive!


air drops into unoccupied provinces that are destroyed immediately don't count for much in my opinion. U.A.E., Egypt, AND Saudi continue to go out of their way to avoid the real battles such as the large army at Moscow. Going around Moscow with little forces that are being destroyed by the northern allies air forces as we speak does not accomplish the goals set forth by NADS own proclamations. At least Libya is standing and making a fight of it.

So in your opinion standing and making a fight of it is the only strategy / tactic that counts in Vic! ?

Duly noted.

Just curious, what are the goals NADS set forth?


That is the most ignorant statement I have seen in a while...... (..) It was obvious to us after fighting battles that they weren't even set up to share intelligence and defensive battles. (..) Just because you get a block of nations in the same area doesn't mean you are organized. People have been more organized and more successful in this game way before you guys came along in 72.

I think you missed his point.

NADS has never been (and was never meant to be) a lean mean fighting machine. But to my knowledge this is the first game North African and Middle East countries combined their efforts from the outset to make a joint attack on the weak Soutern European belly.



THE SHeikh

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.....In my opinion not very impressive at all......


.....but air drops into unoccupied provinces that are destroyed immediately don't count for much in my opinion.......


.....continue to go out of their way to avoid the real battles......


......has done nothing in europe on the ground except avoid the advancing armies of.....


.....That is the most ignorant statement I have seen in a while......



Well seems somebody is suffering from a Bad case of PMS....


But we understand, after all where's the fun in having massive amounts of armies and airforces and yet being unable to spot the enemy because you forgot to build recons.... and run into occupied territory next to your major cities in your home country... to kill them off only to see them replaced by a double amount, it's like a disease, the plague, aaarrrggghhhh the're spreading like hell somebody help me because I'm such a whiner, the enemy isn't playing fair... wheeeeeeee!!!!




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....Going around Moscow with little forces that are being destroyed by the northern allies air forces as we speak...


I thought you were pulling my leg. Pardon me for being so ignorant. Certainly by now I should know to take your words literally. You and your friends have been pounding away aggressively at an Air 40 from the Holy Emirates and an Air 39 from Riyadh. Yes, sure, I won't withhold the fact that massive and massive amounts of bombs have dropped on the brave Saudi dudes in Dmitrov blocking your precious army in Moscow.


Damn... No I will capture another few provinces with those even more damaged units... What you gonna do? Send those precious bombers again? Oh no, they are needed to kill off the new air drops...


You're right. It ain't fair.





PS I just had a look at the chart. Explain to me how you can miss 24 different groups, 24 individual locations?!??!?!? And that's only Saudi forces....

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LOL. No, I'm still here. I'm not avoiding combat either. Just have missed with my bombers for 2 turns in a row. :woohoo:


I've also been busy with redeployment and fighting in other parts of the world.


Don, you're right, Algeria had a crazy economy before he had to drop. His treasury was well into the 6 figures. Sorry about the loss of troops, Justin. With all that money to spend, Alegria would be a b**** to take. I feel for you. Knowing what he had and where, I would not want to be in your shoes.


Algeria and Libya used to joke with me about nobody wanting to fight them. I was always fighting a live player and every person they invaded dropped after the first shots were fired. Until they ran into the NA. That, they said, was the best fighting they had. Stopped in their tracks by NA manuevers is far from the truth. Alegeria had been on auto pilot for away with a turn being submitted here and there (things started to go poopy for him in Real Life). Until Algeria had his RL problems you would not believe the level of coordination we had. Through spys, turn sheets, and maps we knew where you were going before you got there. Algeria worked on of those jobs where he could study the map and intel for almost 8 hours a day. Loosing him to RL problems was a big blow.


The thing that is great about NADS is that when I came into the game, I only knew Libya. We didn't know each other before this game. I saw Dr. Frued's post about the crazy idea of invading Europe from the middle east on this forum. I pitched the idea to Libya, who had already had contact with Algeria. He pitched it to him. I contacted Dr. Freud, Grimor, and The Sheik and the rest is history.


So who's winning team and/or solo? I think it's too close to call. I would not be surprised if the final totals are within a hair breath of each other.


So hears to everybody who played for making this one of the best game of Victory I have ever played. :wub:

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him. I contacted Dr. Freud, Grimor, and The Sheik and the rest is history.




now about that cashflow problem I have.... those King tigers are not cheap and driving them north is severly depleting my possiblities to expand my Harem... which is in dire need of some decoration after it has been turned into a fortress after the evil invasion by the Turk.... did I mention I also need a new sail boat...


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now about that cashflow problem I have.... those King tigers are not cheap


Uhm I hate to admit but you finally have a point there... I gave up 3 turns ago driving those fine new top units to the front, they're never gonna make it, not unless Russ gives us another 10 turns....


But hey, building them is kinda nice too, oh well, lemme look into the Saudi treasury and send you a christmas present...



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