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One entry found for hypocrisy.

Entry Word: hypocrisy

Function: noun

Text: the pretense or affectation of having virtues, principles, or beliefs that one does not actually have <political hypocrisy>


(Taken from Merriam-Webster Online)



Posting your view that discussions of advanced tech should not take place on the board but rather in private emails somehow gave me the crazy idea that you believed that discussing advanced tech should not take place on the board but rather in private emails. Not sure how I got that impression, but I did.


So when you started a thread asking details concerning an advanced tech, I thought, wow, seems like I remember Sha'thar trying to shut down similar conversations in another thread. How can it be that this cat holds both beliefs to be true? Must be that one way or the other you were giving the pretense of having a belief that you do not actually have. Hence my calling it hypocritical.

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Must be that one way or the other you were giving the pretense of having a belief that you do not actually have. Hence my calling it hypocritical.

I feel that you may be assuming some items in error;


1) That someone cannot, over time, change their minds in the light of experience and input from others.


When I posted the comments regarding the free sharing of technology, I wasn't as aware of the shear breadth of technologies available in the game and the great latitude in their use. I'm now of the opinion that the variable of how individuals play positions matters as much as or more than what technologies are available to them.


I'm fortunate to live close to a long-time friend who has played various incarnations of Supernova, and sitting down to coffee with him has been enlightening.


2) That I would refuse to participate in discussions of technology and strategy on the boards after the majority of the universe didn't share my now admittedly incorrect concerns about 'cookie-cutter' positions.


To do so would be silly, as I would be denying myself of a potentially valuable source of information which would be here and active, whether I decided to participate or not.


I'm not hyprcritical. Just adaptive. :thumbsup:


- Toupee Cat

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I didn't assume anything in error . Short of having ESP, how was I to know that you had changed your mind. My comments were based on what you stated was your position. If you are going to publically post you views in an attempt to influence other's views, and you flip-flop on the issues, it's your responsibility to update your position, not mine. All I can do is go by what you last said; and that was that sharing tech info should be done in private emails, not on the board. Until just now have you posted anywhere on the board that you changed your mind? No. Have I been sitting down to coffee with you and your friend, participating in your conversations? No. Have you sent me an email telling me you changed your mind? No. When asking about the TWD did you start the thread off by saying "I'm sorry, I've been enlightened since this was last brought up and I think it's ok now...."? No. So you are in error in assuming I would know that your views had changed.


And I don't buy the line that you are just now discovering the sheer breadth of technologies available in the game. What threads have you been reading? How long have you been playing? Anybody playing more than two weeks would know that. The topic of research can't be brought up on this board without the huge number of items and applications being brought up along with it. Because you didn't believe it or you chose to ignore it is no reason to try and tell me I'm the one in error.


If you feel that your views were wrong, just say so. That would earn a lot more respect and understanding than trying to shift the blame on someone else.


And another thing. Discussions of technology, tactics and strategy have been going on continuously since the beginning of the game. And you are right, it would be absolutely silly not to participate. So please tell me how I am in error when I thought it was wrong that you would try to shut down such conversations?


I've got no problem admitting when I'm wrong. But in this case I am not the one who is in error as you have tried to point out.

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For the record, I respect ya both


But arent ya being a tad bit hard on el gato? :alien2:






With all these new space pirates mulling about, I may need to order a few thousand dozen of your Throwing Ninja Cookie Cutters. We also have several openings in our local franchise Star Bar - reserved especially for uber ninja chefs. When you come in to apply, try not to crush the trillion or so patrons that look like small sunflowers. If you do, don't hesitate to recycle them into the beer hooper...or chocolate cover them up for Ix :thumbsup:

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I agree. The best thing we can do now is end this thread and go on. I did indeed state in my previous post that I had indeed erred with my concern regarding the sharing of technology.


If certain folk desire to continue to make an issue of the fact that I changed my mind in the light of discussion and call me 'hypocritical,' they'll have to do it without my participation.



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Now here's another example of how confusing your posts are and they don't seem to follow any logic and somehow we're supposed to be able to read your mind to know what you actually mean.


What are you agreeing with Eternus about? He didn't say anything about ending the thread. In fact, he asked me a question. Asking a question would tend to continue the topic, not put an end to it. Maybe you're echoing his sentiments of respect, but for some reason I doubt it.


And I'm not "continuing to call you hypocritical because you changed your mind". Where did you get that from? If the reason that your actions seemed to contradict your beliefs was due to the fact that you changed your mind, then fine. That's not being hypocritical. Not once in my last post did I continue to indicate that you were still being hypocritical.


The point of my last post was that you tried to indicate I was the one in error, even though you didn't reveal that you had changed your mind till after the fact. You are completely ingnoring the point that you never told anyone (at least never posted) that you had changed your mind. If you didn't think it necessary to post that you had changed your mind, that's not that big a deal either. But when it's pointed out to you, don't try to shift the blame for your oversight.

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I have been compiling a new concept based on the existing naval combat primer but will await the NEW and IMPROVED one! :cheers:


the basics are this:


How if I had a ship each of every single armor/weapon type combo available.


IE Ship A: Projectile Offense / Cohernet Defense

Ship B: Sonic weapon Offense/ Projectile Defense






(ok ok so thats 40,238 combinations if you organize 8 categories for each type)


If I wandered around with this strange and nearly impossible-to-construct fleet, would I be invincible?


Probably not - but I thought about during my jog today.




Oh and Dwillard-


I wasnt really asking a question in the technical sense of the form. I was indeed implying that we should end at least end the portion of the thread whereby you 'defend errors' or accuse Sha'thar of being a hypocrit :taz:


/hands you both beer...milk....what have you :ph34r:

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Oh and Dwillard-


I wasnt really asking a question in the technical sense of the form.  I was indeed implying that we should end at least end the portion of the thread whereby you 'defend errors' or accuse Sha'thar of being a hypocrit  :taz: 

Here's what you said:




For the record, I respect ya both


But arent ya being a tad bit hard on el gato?


This is supposed to mean that you wanted to end the topic? I don't know why people have such a hard time saying what they mean. Just come out and say it. No reason to be politically correct on my part. You're not going to hurt my feelings.


On second thought, maybe it was the mindless, incessant drivelling about beer and starbars at the end of your post that indicated you wanted the topic to come to an end. Though if that's the case, every topic on this board would be cut short.

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Whaddya doing D - trying to win bully of the month?


That was a question.


Would you keep your personal attacks to PMs?


That was another question.


/sigh :cheers: It'll end up being a flame war of some sort which is the last thing anyone in this community needs. On most other days, I would rather stick to my drivel about Star Bars than play word games with an angry person.


I admit that I generate an abundance of light hearted spam, but I'm not out to generate foul moods among the players in this forum. But in this instance, DWillard, you request that I drop my tact to stoop to your level and "say what I mean."


I'll say exactly what I mean since you don't respect any of the words between the lines:


You were way too hard on Sha'thar because somehow your fragile ego was bruised. Sha'thar responded in a concilatory manner and you had to keep going.


I implied that we move on from the subject - and you wouldn't let go.


I'm certain we will all see a five page response from you about semantics, errors, your indestructible feelings and more flames directed against me, Sha'thar and whomever else you want to try to pick on.


Pick on me :taz:


I figure if I volunteer as verbal punching bag, you'll eventually chill out.


Or is your hope that between my everlasting spam and your incessant nitpicking that somehow the entire forum will collapse from exhaustion? Are we so destructive DWillard?


Do we need to settle our differences in the game?



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my two cents... I'd much rather see people argueing out their views on here than to hear people gloryify alcoholism.


If the wig cat dude wants to try and shut down rules discussions, so what. Heck that may be his strategy - to keep others in the dark and then ask the questions he doesn't understand. If Dwillard wants to point out this his inconsistency, so what. If I want to ignore both of 'em, or call 'em both wrong, so what. If Eternuts wants to get in the middle and be a punch bag dummy, so what. If you can't handle the fire, get outta the kitchen.


However, if we are concerned about what an online community needs, I think really question is why so many adult men think that getting drunk all of the time is so great with minors who may be reading this. Nearly every thread, whether it is supposed to be rules question thread or anything, ends up with a couple of the same people always talking about getting drunk.


I worry about some of you. In all sincarity, and as someone who has experienced this, I would urge any who believe that getting drunk is fun to seek a support group to help cure your affliction before it does something horrible to your life.


Pig Skin

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I will reduce the drinking references if I know they are offensive to someone.


But in all honesty - I don't think you have to 'worry' about anyone here. Thats very compassionate of you, though.


Presuming its your business, I rarely drink. The icons are more of a friendly communication thing for me (as I presume for others.) The more entertaining icons involve beer - perhaps a culprit for prolific use? No doubt the icons were partly the inspiration of HBOB.


If I know for certain that minors are reading the board (which wouldnt completely surprise me) I'd be more than happy to eliminate the drinking references outright.

I'm glad to know this.


I've taken one of my best friends from college through alcohol recovery....and yes...its serious stuff so I appreciate your comments.


Diet Pepsi is my downfall these days :)





I won't really respond to "Eternuts." :lol: Quite frankly, I dont know you that well, Pigskin.


Ce lest vie (sp?)



As for discussing about the future of the board - I can already sense a growing trend to be generally critical of each other. As a result, I'll be jumping ship from this forum temporarily. Don't celebrate too loudly or presume I can't take "the heat" :lol: I'm a trial lawyer when I'm not a student. I hope you can see that my only intent was to keep things fun and contribute to the game.


I don't appreciate bullying in any form and its hard for me not to speak up against it. So - DWillard got the worst of me there. With all of that said, I've always respected DWillards comments about the game and he has a great mind for understanding rules and strategy. Talent: A Tact: F (which he considers a weakness in others anyway, right?)


Luckily, I've developed a great network of good people to work with. You know who you are.


Best of luck, forum. /wave


See you in game or through email.

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