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Ultimatem to Romans and Valkor


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I don't hate Lareth/Romans (playing both empires) I just don't respect him. Simple. I sometimes dislike players but respect them as people. here it's the reverse..I don't care about the empire but don't respect the player.... but hey it's only a game.

See? There's no hate...just mutual disgust. :D


BTW, does the audience get to hear about the exploits of your "mop up" operations or were they of the Slishy-ultimatum-kind where you destroyed a couple worthless pickets but decided to pound your chest and tell us how mighty you are regardless? :alien2:


Valkor sends

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  • 3 years later...
Greetings all,

I know this thread is rather old, but does anyone care to update us on the Roman/Valkor vs. Eyre/Tentacled Horrors war? and did they stay out of Shai......




I'm sorry to say the battle for Roman is over but the fight to liberate it continues and I promise the Libran Collective War Planetoid will be there to see it done.


There are several reports scattered across this board detailing that long hard fought war but here's a few highlights I dug up. You probably read them but some of the newbies around here might enjoy them too. I know I missed a couple, so feel free add to the list. :D


Battle Report, Roman fleet victorious


Fire Control, Painful Lessons


Apology Again, Just a Pawn


News from the Front, Reports from the Roman Front


The Roman War: All is Quiet?


Weak Ship Screens, Ouch


Roman Warp Point Falls


The Roman Gambit


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Yeah, I'm curious myself. This board seems to have dried up and died, with very little interesting of late. Are people dropping out? Has everything grown stale so there's nothing to talk about? Are people turtling up? What gives?


And what ever happened to this Hellenic war? What of the Hellene's? Are they still defending against the GGT? Have they gone on the offense? Is Locklyn still playing? There's been no new posts from him in months now.


Anyone care to comment? Compiling old messages is cool to get an idea of what has occurred but what of recent events? Has anything happened? Is anything happening? Are these all State Secrets?






Greetings all,

I know this thread is rather old, but does anyone care to update us on the Roman/Valkor vs. Eyre/Tentacled Horrors war? and did they stay out of Shai......




I'm sorry to say the battle for Roman is over but the fight to liberate it continues and I promise the Libran Collective War Planetoid will be there to see it done.


There are several reports scattered across this board detailing that long hard fought war but here's a few highlights I dug up. You probably read them but some of the newbies around here might enjoy them too. I know I missed a couple, so feel free add to the list. :woohoo:


Battle Report, Roman fleet victorious


Fire Control, Painful Lessons


Apology Again, Just a Pawn


News from the Front, Reports from the Roman Front


The Roman War: All is Quiet?


Weak Ship Screens, Ouch


Roman Warp Point Falls


The Roman Gambit




Oh, and Neil. What the heck is a War Planetoid? And why would you send it to the Romans? Please 'splain.

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Please explain to the masses what you mean by "flying surface fortresses". Did they build something with engines using the NUD order, but classified said creations as "Surface Fortress" trying to get the 9x structural multiplier? <_<


If that was what was tried. Boo, I say! Boo!* :jawdrop:


I'm guessing the War Planetoid is an ultra-massive vessel akin to the Star Wars Death Star.


-SK <_<


*Okay, I actually have much harsher words for that kind of <cough> gamesmanship <cough>, but I try to keep my posts PG-13 to G-rated. :woohoo:

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I agree with those who have said that there must be a great deal going on in the game -behind the scenes.- Disclosure on public boards probably began to end when it was realized that empires were starting to actually meet, and sometimes information posted here could provide information to empires who you might not wish to have it.


I think the game is as active as it has ever been. Perhaps even more so as folks are now formulating trade agreements, working out convoy routes and moving forward with military operation.

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Standard Surface Fortresses turning up at a WP ripped off the surface with some tractor beams :cheers:


Well, the powers to be have corrected the incident and make sure it won't happen again.


The error in the program allowing this to occur has existed for quite some time (I ran into it over a year and half ago). The forts cannot warp to other systems (no jump drive = no warp .. that at least works). And while in space they for some reason refuse to fight (go figure). It would be a problem if they fought and you got that 9x bonus. But it doesn't, so there is no real problem.


In theory a player could build a large fort, and "tow" it to another world in their system. Since all it has is a fleet number even for surface forts, no one would be the wiser. Of course there seems to be little advantage to that. So this fix is probably low on the work list at RTG.

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